HOLON CONSULTING services are designed to integrate the parts and the wholes in any living system (organization, community, team and individual) by embracing the similarity and unfolding the uniqueness. Based on self-organizing systems, our approach generates buy-in and input among diverse and complex populations, leading to successful resolutions and implementations.

Holon Consulting services have been implemented with the following clients:

Clients (partial listing)

  • Arizona State Transportation Agency
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
  • Humboldt State University (HSU): Center Campus for Appropriate Technology; Nursing Department; Information Technology Group; Child Development Center
  • Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA)
  • Navajo Division of Transportation (NDOT)
  • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
  • Arizona State University Research Center
  • Indian Health Services
  • Maricopa Community Colleges
  • Departments of Health and Environmental Quality : Gila River Indian Community
  • Hopi Tribe
  • AT&T
  • Honeywell Inc.
  • Kitchel Corporation
  • Prescott Unified School District
  • Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
  • U.S. Forest Service
  • Southwest Strategy Partnership
  • Prescott College
  • Caltrans (California Department of Transportation)
  • Eco Hostel, Center for Sustainability
  • Jamie Walling & Associates
  • United Indian Health Services
  • Mistwood Center for Education
  • Appropedia
  • Trees Foundation
  • San Carlos Apache Tribe
  • HSU: CCAT (Center Campus for Appropriate Technology)
  • Green Wheels
  • Humboldt Senior Resource Center
  • Humboldt Area Foundation
  • In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Board
  • Tri County Independent Living
  • Jade Dragon Medical Spa
  • First Things First
  • Humboldt County: Economic Development Department
  • Northcoast Small Business Development Center
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Northcoast
  • College of the Redwoods
  • Locally Delicious
  • Propelsion
  • Humboldt Community Breast Health Project
  • KEET Radio
  • Mid County Parkway Project: Riverside County Transportation Commission, FHWA, CalTrans & U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution